Wednesday, 30 March 2016

SNITCHING Sesenta Y Nueve

Peter Lim's patience has finally run out with Gary Neville as the lolly sucker is sacked at Valencia.

What will this mean for their longer term business relationship?

Will contracts and documents end up at 'Football Leaks'? 

Expect more Liverpool and Manchester United linked contracts at 'Football Leaks' in the period ahead anyway.

Full updated listing of Third Party Ownership players linked to the British football agents behind the farce that is 'Football Leaks' in the four files below.

Strange how such contracts never end up on the 'Football Leaks' website!

'Football Leaks' - a commercial power play in a fragmented cartel.


Please note that posts from SNITCHING Setenta to SNITCHING Setenta Y Nueve are not able to be shared online for chapeau blanc reasons.

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