Thursday, 11 February 2016

SNITCHING Veintinueve

What do we want?
When do we want it?

My English house was bugged. My landline too.
The bugs appeared to be seeking secret transmitters.
Three computers were eavesdropped upon.
Two of my mobiles were also bugged as was one vehicle.
I used to turn up to restaurants for meetings and mislead those seated by chance in close proximity.
We served up multiple courses of disinformation, misinformation and farcical narratives.
In the last 12 months, we have mocked pitiful but extensive hacking attempts from ########, Lithuania, Portugal, FYR Macedonia, UK and ########### and more substantial ones from Russia, South Korea, ######, ############ and Dubai.

Down with this sort of thing.

But, on the flip side...

I am a part of a global cellular network.
Only two people on the planet know the location of my office.
Our primary, secondary and tertiary servers in Transnistria, Bucuresti and Kerkyra are secure.
Nobody in our cellular network knows more than one other person in the network and robust defences are in place to prevent any contamination of our cellular structure.
Some of us are entirely invisible.
All evidences, intercepts, communication databases, analytical files and statements are secured in multiple form in a matrix of locations.
Our chapeau blanc servers, spiders, mirrors, ghost-lines and refractions operate from safe, legitimate and yet contaminated sources.

Careful now.